As the province of Nova Scotia has relaxed its COVID protections to the state of non-existence on 6 July 2022, it has been left to individual businesses to determine what methods of protection against COVID transmission they are comfortable with within their place of business.
One tenet of my business is to provide a safe and healthy space for my clients as they engage in their healing journey, and I feel it would be irresponsible of me if I didn’t take all possible measures to provide that situation.
As such, we at Mosaic Healing Arts Institute will continue to have the following COVID protocols in place for the foreseeable future.

We require clients to be masked when in the clinic.
- Please, if at all possible, do not enter the building sooner than 5 minutes before your appointment time.
- Practice physical distancing of 2 m while in the clinic, wherever possible.
- If you feel ill, test positive for COVID, or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID or is exhibiting symptoms of COVID, flu, cold, etc. please call to re-schedule your appointment.
Have concerns or questions? Edward can be contacted by: Phone/text: 902 514-3459
Another safety factor in my clinic space.
A HEPA filter Ultra Violet “C” unit has been added to my clinic space to assist in providing cleaner air in the treatment room for clients and myself.
Also, the windows in the treatment room are opened between client treatments to increase the rate of room air ventilation.
Nothing more can be asked of anyone than they do what they can.